Sunday, August 06, 2006

The increase in gasoline prices is probably affecting your nonprofit finances in more ways than one but perhaps you haven't thought about the details yet. Guidestar's newsletter this month has an interesting article on this subject based on the results of their monthly poll. Here are the results which you may want to use to benchmark your own results.

73% of participant nonproftis said that gas prices were affecting their organizations

31% of respondents stated that fuel costs were affecting their personal charitable giving.

This is a double whammy. As discretionary income is squeezed, individual giving is being affected. On the other side of the coin, organizations' costs are increasing as energy costs go up. Organizations from the Special Olympics to Goodwill to Meals on Wheels and other social services are feeling the pain of increased transportation costs. Some organizations say that volunteering is also affected by transportation costs.

Just some thoughts to consider in your budget and fundraising plans. See the whole article at:


Marion Conway Consulting

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