Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Training, Conferences, Webinars. Its important to keep up to date. over the next few days I plan to post information about a variety of upcoming opportunties. Check the technology opportunities below and check back soon for other opporunties all coming up soon.

Five great online seminars online donation, blogging, e-newsletter, content management, constituent database tools are being offered by NTEN and Idealware inpartnership with each other. The NTEN and Idealware Software Series will focus on how to choose the types of software that nonprofits find most important: online donation, blogging, e-newsletter, content management, constituent database tools. The webinars will focus on candid advice, with product comparisons, screenshots, product demos and more.

> Choosing a Blogging Tool: Wed, September 27th
> Getting Started with Online Donations : Wed, October 11
> 10 Common Mistakes When Choosing Donor Databases: Wed, October 25
> Choosing an eNewsletter Tool: Wed, November 1
> Comparing Open Source CMSs: Joomla, Drupal, and Plone: Wed, November 15

All run from 11:00 AM to 12:30PM PST. Each of these sessions are $60 for NTEN members and Idealware eNews subscribers, or $100 for others.

View more information about the series atthe NTEN or Idealware websites.

NTEN Webinars Information


Marion Conway Consulting

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